The Privacy Law requires us to provide you with information on the processing of data necessary for us to execute the Contract stipulated with you, and for the activities connected to it.
For the Privacy Policy:
a) Us, GENZIANELLA PENSION of Carmellino Manuela , we are the Data Controllers.
b) You are the interested party, and have the rights and obligations set out below.

1. Treatment

1.1. The Data Controller, whose data are indicated Point a, will process the Data according to the principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, limitation of finality and retention, minimization of data, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.

2. Purposes, Data Categories and Legal Basis of Treatment

2.1. The Data Controller, performs the processing with the purpose to:
a) perform, even before the conclusion of any contractual relationship, if requested the customer, the contract, or specific contract requested by you ( for example, to contact you to deliver the requested services / products, or to inform you that the services / required products are ready / available);
b) Fulfill obligations arising from any contractual relationship
c) Administrative, accounting, Financial and tax obligations
d) comply with any legal obligation and / or an order of the Public Authority and) possibly, to assert or defend a right in court
2.2. The Data Controller will process data in the following categories: name, surname, tax information, address, e-mail address, telephone number (or other type of contact)
2.3. The legal bases of the elaboration are the following, divided by categories of data
a) Identifying data: consent of the interested party and / or need to fulfil the obligations referred to in points 2.1 to-e above b) Fiscal data: need to fulfil the obligations set out in paragraphs 2.1 c-e above.

3. Processing methods

3.1. The data will be:
a) collected by computer and / or paper
b) registered in digital format at computers and / or stored in paper archives in the exclusive availability of the Data Controller
c) protected from risks of modify cation, destruction, deletion and unauthorized access by efficient logical, physical and organizational security measures;
d) further processed, also in paper form, to the extent and within the time strictly necessary to execute the aforementioned purposes

4. Communication to the Recipients and Diffuses.

4.1. The Data are eventually communicated to third Recipients (including PA or Judicial Authority) only to the extent strictly necessary in relation to the aforementioned purposes, or in any case only for the fulfilment of the law or by order of the Authority.
4.2. The categories of Recipients are as follows
a) subjects necessary for the execution of related activities and consequent to the execution of the Contract
b) Appointees and persons authorized by the Data Controller who have committed themselves to confidentiality or have an appropriate legal obligation of confidentiality (eg employees and employees of the Data Controller)
4.3. The Data Controller may also have to communicate data to comply with legal obligations or to comply with orders from public authorities, including judicial authorities.
4.4. The Data will not be subject to change

5. Data Retention Period

5.1. The Data Controller retains its Data for the minimum time necessary to achieve the Purposes referred to in paragraph 2 and in any case not later than fifteen years.

6. Mandatory nature of the communication of data

6.1. The communication of data is:
a) [ ] mandatory, as regards the execution of the contract or the fulfillment of legal obligations or public orders authority
b)[ ] optional, as regards the other services you may have requested.

7. Consequences of the refusal to communicate the Data
7.1. In case of refusal to communicate, the personal data that may be necessary pursuant to the previous point 6.1 a), it will not be possible to fulfill the contract
7.2. In case of refusal to communicate any personal data that may be required pursuant to paragraph 6.1 b) above, it may not be possible to fulfill the other services that you may request.

8. Rights of the interested party
8.1. The interested party has the right to:
a) access their data held by the owner
b) request the correction and / or cancellation ("oblivion") c) request the Limitation or oppose the Treatment d) request the portability of the Data
e) to propose a complaint to a Supervisory Authority
8.2. The interested party also has the rights referred to in Article 14 and following of the Regulation not expressly mentioned above (that is to obtain confirmation of the existence of data concerning him and their communication in intelligible form, the indication of their origin, the identifying details of the Data Processors, the anonymous transformation of the Data or their blocking where treated in violation of the Privacy Law.
Having read the information, the undersigned CLIENT gives consent:
- the treatment referred to in point 6.1 a (obligatory)
- to the treatment referred to in point 6.1 b (optional)

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